Friday, August 13, 2010

Final Day:(

Today was the last day of the Summer 2010 Fiber Fun Camp at Maybelle Farm! Sad to see it go, however, very hopeful and looking forward to next year already:) Thank you to all the families who drove their cherubs to the farm. We had a wonderful time. The laughs, learning and good times will be remembered for a long time to come.

I was so proud of all the kids. They worked very hard and I hope we have developed some fiber fiends. There will be many classes to come this fall and winter. Any thoughts, suggestions or wonderful comments, just let us know. We are pretty open for classes you would like to take. Remember.....s p i d e r w e b s!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 4: Wet Felting!

What a day it was. My favorite today....wet felting. The kids did a wonderful job. The littles did better than I have ever seen this age perform. Amazing! Their geodes were wonderfully colorful and felted amazingly firm. The olders felted flowers and soaps. Super outcomes where effort was put forth. Wet felting is hard work, but the super projects produced were incredible. Just LOOK at these pics! Great effort everyone.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

More Fiber Camp!

Day Three: Ok, so you ask, "where is day two"? Well I forgot my camera. Yea, I know....well what is done is done. The kids learned how to use a drop spindle. What tremendous success. I have never seen a group catch on so quick!

Now day 3. Learned how to take off the yarn from the spindles. We used niddy noddys, friend's hands and chair backs and legs. Now there is no excuse to not spin. lol They have done it all. So proud:) Then, we learned how to needle felt....felted angels and techniques for making eyes, hair and armatures for arms, legs etc... We aquired 2 more students for the afternoon class today. Hopefully they will join us for wet felting tomorrow!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Round 2 Fiber Fun Camp

Ok folks. Second round of Fiber Fun Camp! There are 10 total this time, just one shy of the July class. Looks like this will be a dusey week. Loads of fun. Today we dyed wool with kool-aid, food coloring and easter egg tablets. We also used the sun to heat up some pots. Then we spaced dyed along with tye dye methods. Too much fun to mention! It is drying as I type this and hopefully will be dry in the morning, because we have some spinning to do! Day two is drop spindle. WEeeeee.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Class Update for Fall and Winter...yippee!

So today at Maybelle Farm, we had a Grandma and Me class. It was a totally wonderful time. Alison taught drop spindle, Kathleen taught needle felting and I taught wet felting.

Then....we sat down and hashed out a schedule. Take a peek! All classes are for 7yr olds - adult, unless specified. Contact Maybelle Farm or Cheryl at to register.....or you can just reply to the blog with your email and I will catch ya!

This is a schedule for classes at Maybelle Farm and The Gallery at the VAULT.


Saturday 11th, Fiber/fleece prep with Alison, 10am-3pm, Maybelle Farm

Sunday 12th, Felted flowers on a vine, Cheryl Flett, 12:30-4, Maybelle Farm

Saturday 25th, Open house celebration, Make and Take workshops, Chery Flett, 12-5, VAULT

Monday 27th, The start of a 4 week adult Fiber Fun Camp! Mondays 5:30-8:30, Cheryl Flett, Maybelle Farm


Monday 4th, Week 2 Fiber Fun Camp for Adults (see above)

Sunday 10th, 'Legend of Spooky Hollow" felted diorama! Cheryl Flett, 11:30-4:30, Maybelle Farm

Monday 11th, Week 3 Fiber Fun for Adults (see above)

Saturday 16th, Needle Felt Pumpkins, Cheryl Flett, 12-2, VAULT

Monday 18, Last week Fiber Fun for Adults (see above)

Sunday 24th, (Grand)Mom and Me Felted Pumpkins With an Attitude, Cheryl Flett, 1-4, Maybelle Farm


Saturday 13th, Wet Felted Scarf, Cheryl Flett, 10-3, VAULT

Sunday 28th, Angles and Snowmen, Cheryl Flett, 12-4, Maybelle Farm


Sunday 12th, Needle felt Santa, Kathleen Meeks, 1-4, Maybelle Farm